Elise Son

I chose environmental studies so I could be well versed in both environmental science and humanities. I find it interesting to make connections among all of my classes, even if they are very different in terms of subject.

Elise Son BA '2X



Degree and Class Year

BA ’27


Salinas, California


Environmental Studies


Earth System Sciences and Data Science (double)


SEED and L&C Climb Team

What three words would you use to describe L&C?

Encouraging, Engaging, Active

What’s your favorite class? Why?

My favorite class that I have taken was Intro to Data Science with Professor Ellen Seljan. I came into the class with no prior experience with coding, and so the class was a way to learn the basics of R in a welcoming environment that was accessible to people with different levels of knowledge of code. The class led me to take the Data Science Practicum this semester with Professor Greta Binford.

What do you like or find most interesting about your major?

As an environmental studies major, I love how interdisciplinary the courses are. I chose the program so I could be well versed in both environmental science and humanities. I find it interesting to make connections among all of my classes even if they are very different in terms of subject.

How would you describe sustainability at L&C?

Sustainability at L&C can be found in the recycling and compost bins on campus, the green spaces around campus, alternative transportation like the Pio bus, energy conservation in the campus infrastructure, Bon Appetit’s commitment to farm-to-fork initiatives and providing students with healthy food everyday, and student and staff enthusiasm to learn and teach environmentalism on campus.

What’s your involvement with any sustainability initiatives on campus? What’s the best part of your experience?

I am a member of SEED (Students Engaged in Eco-Defense) on campus. The best part of my experience has been the trip off campus to Tryon Community farm and learning more about sustainability on campus and in the Portland area.

What should incoming students know about sustainability at L&C?

Incoming students should recognize the opportunities on campus to get involved with sustainability efforts such as SEED and L&C Garden Club. And if they are interested in environmentalism there are so many events and lectures on campus to learn more.

How does sustainability prepare students for life after L&C?

I think that education around sustainability is the best preparation to continue on with it after L&C. It not only teaches students to conserve resources for the planet but also saves them money. I think that it is a good practice that everyone should be familiar with, even if it is just adding a small thing like reducing single use plastic use or driving less. Small practices add up!

Environmental Studies