New Student Information

Welcome to Lewis & Clark! We are excited that you have joined our community. Please explore the information and links below to learn more about our vaccination requirements, health insurance, and other important health-related tasks to complete before arriving on campus.

Welcome Letters

Please select the letter associated with your respective school below.

Health History, Immunization And Tuberculosis Information

Each new student must fill out an online Health History form and complete the Immunization form. These forms must be completed before arrival at school.

In order to complete the forms, you may need to collect medical information from your family and physician. Immunization records are usually available through high schools. The information on the Health History form will become part of the student’s permanent medical record. It is strictly confidential.

Required of each student:

  • Completion of the online Health History and the Immunization form.
  • M.M.R. (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) immunization. Two doses required at least 28 days apart and after 12 months of age. Alternatively, an MMR lab (Titer) report indicating immunity satisfies the measles requirement. For additional information see Oregon law 333-050-0130.
  • Tuberculosis screening is required if you meet either of the following criteria: you were born in a country with a high incidence of tuberculosis disease; or in the last five years you lived in, traveled to, or emigrated from a country with a high incidence of tuberculosis disease. For a list of countries with high incidence of tuberculosis disease click here.

Note: In accordance with Oregon law, Lewis & Clark College requires all full time students to have two doses of MMR (measles, mumps and Rubella) vaccine administered at least 28 days apart and after the student is 12 months of age. Students who do not meet the Oregon law requirements may experience registration holds or cancellations.

Measles Immunization and Tuberculosis Screening Policy

Criteria for exemption to the Oregon state measles immunization law include:

Highly recommended for each student before arrival on campus:

  • Lewis & Clark follows the American College Health Association’s recommended immunizations for college students. We recommend that you receive these immunizations prior to coming to campus. Please see a list of these recommended immunizations at vaccine pdf
  • Meningitis Information- This link contains current information regarding meningitis disease and vaccination recommendations.