Lewis & Clark College Logo

Report a Concern

If this is an emergency that requires immediate assistance, please call Campus Safety at 503.768.7777. For off-campus emergencies, also call 911 Emergency; Campus Safety cannot respond to off-campus incidents.

This report will be forwarded to the appropriate team to evaluate and respond to the concerns therein. This may include the Welfare Intervention Network, Bias Assessment and Response Team, Title IX Office Page/Sexual Misconduct Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, or other L&C partners as appropriate.

Reporter Information

We will use your contact information to follow up with you regarding this referral and for any additional questions. Anonymous reports can be submitted; please be aware that our ability to follow-up on anonymous reports may be limited.

Email address must be of a valid format.
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If multiple apply, please select the most salient
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If multiple dates, use most recent and describe other dates in the narrative. If unknown, use today
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Person(s) of Concern

Please provide any identifying information about the person(s) of concern, and the names of others who have relevant information.

Involved party 1

Behaviors of concern

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Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
